Our Mission



Based on our wide and varied experience in embedded software design and development, we know that there are lots of talented software developers out in the world, who make an outstanding job.

But we also observed that there are many of them who focus too much on their core expertise, the next challenge to solve or the new feature to implement, and often forgot to put the development on solid ground.

Our focus is on embedded software development; as such we offer a software foundation layer and tool suite that lays the groundwork for your embedded software project with maximum flexibility and portability right from the start.

Our products are designed to provide you with the freedom to react to necessary, sometimes unpredictable changes of the software or hardware architecture. These could be the exchange of the operating system, porting the application to a different platform or distribution of software among multiple subsystems or multiple cores.

In addition to the flexibility, you obtain important insight into your system, like inter-process communication traces and profiling data for diagnosis, test and optimization purposes.

Our approach allows your company to concentrate on the core competencies that differentiate your valuable product from those of your competitors.

Avoid late surprises and set your development on solid ground!